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Interview Tips and Q&A for Doctoral Externs/Interns

December 4, 2023

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PST

Hosted by Wellness & Outreach Liaisons

Registration is now closed.

This professional development event invites doctoral externs and interns to join the Outreach and Wellness Liaisons for an interview preparation presentation. As doctoral externs and interns are gearing up to apply to internship and postdoctoral residency, many are faced with uncertainty about what the interview process entails. Kaiser Permanente wants to support trainees in feeling as prepared and confident as possible as they navigate these important interviews! As such, the Outreach and Wellness liaisons will share some of the most asked interview questions, general tips and strategies for nailing these interviews, and some considerations specific to virtual interviews. In the second half of the presentation, the liaisons will welcome a KP internship and postdoctoral residency training director, who will answer questions and provide advice from the perspective of a training director.

Event is optional, and will be held virtually over Microsoft Teams

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