Each year the EID Team at the Mental Health Training Program selects a few interested and well qualified trainees to serve as Liaisons between the EID team and the region’s trainees. Liaisons represent trainee needs and experiences, contribute to existing EID projects, and help establish new, trainee-focused initiatives. This requires a commitment of 2 hours a week, which will be carved out of your existing schedules. Your individual supervisor and training director must provide their written informed consent. The position is only open to full time trainees. While unpaid, completion of the Liaison duties will fully satisfy the requirements of the Program Evaluation and Community Partnership Projects.
Application Deadline is October 20.
Apply at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EIDTraineeliaison2022-2023
Send questions to Dr. Aubyn Fulton @ Aubyn.S.Fulton@kp.org