Doctoral Internship – Fresno

The city of Fresno, with a population of 550,000, is a hub for the San Joaquin Valley. Its surrounding rural areas are predominantly tied to agricultural production. The city is located near three scenic national parks, Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon as well as a number of lakes for those who enjoy hiking, camping and fishing. Fresno has a total of five large shopping centers: Fig Garden, Riverpark, Fashion Fair Mall, Sierra Vista Mall, and The Marketplace shopping center. Other popular attractions include the Underground Garden, Tower district, Clovis Old Town Trail, and the Annual Night in the Garden at Willows Garden Nursery in the month of May. Locally grown produce is available at a Wednesday Farmers Market.
Kaiser Permanente Fresno provides comprehensive health care to more than 145,000 members residing in the culturally diverse Central San Joaquin Valley. There are over 80 different languages spoken in the community.
The Kaiser Permanente Fresno Medical Center supports a 152-bed hospital and several nearby medical office buildings. The staff is comprised of approximately 250 physicians and 2,000 allied health professionals and other support staff. Kaiser Fresno Psychiatry has 90 mental health professionals who serve all age groups with a wide range of diagnoses and presenting problems.
Program Curriculum
Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
The Kaiser Permanente Fresno Internship Program, its directors, and supervisors are committed to facilitating an enriching atmosphere in which students can grow into competent, well-rounded clinicians. As part of that commitment, we are dedicated to the principles of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID). Our training program emphasizes dignity for all people, respect for their unique cultures and identities, and inclusion of individuals of all walks of life. We have incorporated discussion of EID issues into our supervision, didactic presentations, and practice. Additionally, all staff undergo regular training to keep up to date with these issues, and interns have didactic presentations that focus on a particular aspect of EID throughout the internship year.
We are committed to nurturing and integrating diversity training into all aspects of our doctoral internship by:
- Providing interns with opportunities to work with diverse patients who represent various aspects of diversity, including age, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, values, and lifestyle
- Placing a high value on interns’ willingness to engage in self-reflection and learning and supporting the exploration of attitudes, beliefs, and therapeutic postures that could have a negative impact on clinical interactions
- Maintaining a consistent focus in clinical supervision on expanding interns’ multicultural awareness and competence in the provision of psychotherapeutic services and by providing guidance, suggestions, and resources on topics related to diversity
- Providing formal in-person or online training on diversity topics such as discovering and mitigating unconscious bias, respecting every voice, and cultivating a sense of inclusion and belonging in the workplace
- Encouraging interns to participate in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Mental Health Training Program Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee’s advanced trainings on topics related to cultural sensitivity and competence alongside a forum to reflect on and discuss their varied experiences in a safe environment
Didactic Training and Seminars
Regularly scheduled weekly didactic seminars are organized and administered by the Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) Mental Health Training Program. Interns are required to attend the two-hour weekly seminar, which focuses on aspects of clinical practice that the interns may not regularly encounter.
Diversity issues are always integrated into seminar presentations. Seminar topics include Frontiers in Trauma Treatment; Advanced Risk Assessment; Updates in Substance Abuse Research & Treatment; Advancements in Psychopharmacology; Cognitive Processing Therapy; Technology and Mental Health; Trans/Nonbinary Mental Health; Building a Better Brain through Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep and Stress Management; and Self-Compassion.
The KPNC Mental Health Training Program also sponsors professional training courses for continuing professional development. These courses and presentations are offered at select times during the year for all KPNC mental health trainees and medical center staff. The KPNC Mental Health Training Program brings in national experts and keynote speakers on a variety of cutting-edge topics in mental health treatment and research. Interns are expected to attend all MHTP Speaker Series seminars. Current seminar schedules and a list of speakers and topics can be found on the KPNC Mental Health Training Programs website. In addition, many of these lectures are recorded and available on this website under the Continuing Education Seminar Library.
We offer 4.5 to 5.5 hours of scheduled supervision per week and provide additional supervision as needed. This is outlined as follows:
- 1 hour of individual supervision for clinical work (An additional hour of individual clinical supervision may be offered depending on the major rotations to which the intern is assigned.)
- 1 hour of individual supervision for assessment
- 1 hour of group clinical supervision
- 1.5 hours of group assessment supervision (The first 45 minutes of this supervision is for only the interns. During the final 45 minutes, staff psychologists engaged in assessment join to share cases. This serves to broaden the assessment experience.)
We believe in being very accessible to the interns for questions or concerns that may come up outside of scheduled supervision and are available either in person or through encrypted electronic communication channels.
Community Partnership Program
Reflecting Kaiser Permanente’s core commitment to mental health and wellness in our communities, each doctoral intern will spend at least 32 hours during their training year on a Community Partnership Project that focuses on improving mental health in the local community beyond Kaiser Permanente patient membership.
The goal of this project is to provide outreach to underserved populations in the community to promote healthy behaviors. Anchors for this project include developing alliances with individuals and/or systems to improve the lives of those served; providing education and training based on the empirical literature; collecting, analyzing, and presenting relevant outcome data to partnership stakeholders.
As part of Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to supporting our communities, the Fresno Internship Program has partnered with Human Good – a nationwide provider of affordable senior living communities – to offer monthly seminars on mental health issues. Our interns are challenged to bring their creativity and compassion to the development of engaging and supportive psychoeducational presentations for a geriatric population.
Psychological Assessment
All doctoral interns complete psychological testing as part of the internship training program. During the training year, interns further their knowledge about test battery design, administration of various tests and measures, interpretation and integration of test results, and communication of test results. Opportunities exist for interns to develop competencies with neuropsychological assessment, psychodiagnostic evaluations, and specialty evaluations (e.g., ADHD and ASD). Interns receive assessment training support in both individual and group format supervision.
Program Evaluation
Each doctoral intern is required to undertake a program evaluation project during their training year. The project is selected based upon the intern’s interests and skill set and should fall within the regular scope of departmental services.
Program evaluation may involve collecting and analyzing data to improve administrative operations, or a quality improvement project aimed at improving or assessing a treatment program or process. Examples include developing and evaluating a treatment group, intake procedure or other new programming; evaluating factors associated with treatment outcomes; or a needs assessment of a service that may be enriched by psychological consultation. Interns meet regularly with their program evaluation supervisor as a group over the course of the training year to review progress on their projects.
Tracks and Rotations
Adult Evidence Based Treatment (EBT) Track
The Adult EBT Generalist track provides training in modern Evidence-Based therapy techniques: CBT, ACT, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure and other interventions proven to reduce symptoms and support positive patient outcomes. Within this track, interns will receive training in both individual psychotherapy and group treatment. The Doctoral Intern will utilize individual and group supervision for case formulation and treatment planning.
The intern will maintain a caseload of 8-10 patients, with varied presenting mental health needs including treatment of mood disorders, personality disorders, trauma, aging, adjustment, crisis, work or life stress, neurodevelopmental disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorder, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, bipolar spectrum disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders, and dissociative disorders. The Intern will evaluate and diagnose mental health disorders based on DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 criteria. The Intern will also learn how to collaborate with patients for treatment planning purposes and gain proficiency utilizing evidence-based interventions within a feedback informed care framework. Training in evidence-based individual treatment will consist of providing individual therapy. Training in evidence-based group treatment will consist of co-facilitating groups under the supervision of licensed therapists.
Intensive Outpatient Program - Adult (IOP) Track
The Intensive Outpatient Program – Adult (IOP) provides treatment to patients presenting with chronic and acute conditions in need of a higher level of care. IOP serves as a two-week step-down program for patients who were recently psychiatrically hospitalized or patients who need intensive support due to increased symptom severity and acute risk factors. Patients attend the program multiple times per week and receive group therapy, psychiatric medication consultation, and individual therapy. The Intern will be assigned cases from a diverse population, with mental health needs relating to depression, personality disorders, trauma, life crises, work stress, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, and bipolar spectrum disorders.
The Doctoral intern will conduct intakes and provide evidence-based group therapy. Training in evidence-based group treatment will consist of co-facilitating groups under the supervision of licensed Adult Intensive Outpatient therapists. This track also involves twice daily meetings and consultation within a small, tight-knit, interdisciplinary treatment team. The intern will carry a smaller caseload and focus a considerable part of their clinical time working with patients on short-term, crisis stabilization. This track broadens and deepens clinical skills across all diagnoses and with a very diverse group of patients, all while working closely with a supportive group of colleagues.
Assessment with Neuropsychology Empahsis
The Assessment w/ Neuropsychology Empahsis track focuses on developing competencies to pursue a career in assessment. The program provides rigorous training in interview techniques, administration and scoring of psychometric instruments, patient feedback and treatment planning, as well as collaboration with allied health professionals. The intern will participate in specialized didactic instruction and case consultations, as well as individual and group supervision to guide their learning process.
With training and supervision, the Doctoral Intern will be responsible for conducting the full assessment process for patients referred to the Adult Psychiatry clinic including conducting clinical interviews, designing appropriate diagnostic test batteries, administering psychometric testing, scoring test instruments, developing clinical interpretations informed by the latest professional standards and research, writing integrated reports, and providing feedback to patients, families, and allied health professionals.
To ensure a well-rounded clinical experience, the intern will also be responsible for a small clinical caseload which may include conducting individual and/or group therapy.
Additionally, interns from all tracks have the opportunity to participate in 1-2 minor rotations across the course of their training year including the following:
Minor rotations
- Addiction Medicine Recovery Services exposes the intern to various stages of the recovery process in a group format alongside an experienced addiction medicine provider.
- Groups: options include DBT, ACT, CBT for Anxiety, CBT for Depression, CBT for PTSD, all co-led with licensed staff.
- Psychoeducational Classes: Manualized curricula for Stress Management, Depression, Anxiety, Anger Management, and Couples Communication.
- Intensive Outpatient Program-Adolescent: intensive treatment for Teens 13 – 18.
Weekly 40-hour Schedule
- Direct Patient Care: 19 hours
- Non-patient Care: 11 hours
- Individual Supervision: 2 hours
- Group Supervision: 2.5 hours
- Didactic Training: 2 hours
- Community Benefit Program: 2-3 hours
- Research Project: 1 hour
Current Opportunities
Position | Track(s) |
Adult Evidence Based Treatment (EBT) Generalist | Adult, Generalist |
Assessment/Neuropsychology | Assessment, Neuropsychology |
Intensive Outpatient Program | Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP) |