Postdoctoral Residency – Fremont
South East Bay Consortium (Union City, San Leandro and Fremont)

Fremont in southern Alameda County is the fourth largest Bay Area city with a population of 230,000. It is also one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse cities in the Bay Area. Fremont offers numerous opportunities for outdoor recreation. Mission Peak, Lake Elizabeth, Quarry Lakes and Coyote Hills are all popular hiking destinations in the area. Other local landmarks include the Ardenwood Historic Farm, the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum, and Mission San José. Major employers are from the high tech and automotive industries. Fremont boasts nationally recognized public schools. The California School for the Blind and the California School for the Deaf are also located here and are within walking distance of the medical center.
The Kaiser Permanente Fremont Medical Center offers Emergency, Medical/Surgical, Critical Care, and Preoperative Services. A new Mental Health and Wellness facility is located directly across from the hospital campus and is near a BART station, shops, and restaurants. Kaiser Permanente employees have access to the gym and exercise classes offered on campus and a seasonal farmer’s market is held on Thursdays.
Program Curriculum
Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
We are committed to nurturing and integrating diversity training into all aspects of our postdoctoral residency program by:
Providing residents with opportunities to work with patients who represent various aspects of diversity, including age, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, values, and lifestyle.
Placing a high value on residents’ willingness to engage in self-reflection, and supporting the exploration of attitudes, beliefs and therapeutic postures that could impact clinical interactions.
Maintaining a consistent focus in clinical supervision on expanding residents’ multicultural awareness and competence in the provision of psychotherapeutic services and providing guidance, training, and resources on topics such as mitigating unconscious bias, respecting every voice, and cultivating a sense of inclusion and belonging in the workplace.
Residents are encouraged to participate in the Regional Mental Health Training Program EID Committee’s advanced trainings on topics related to cultural sensitivity and competence along with a forum to reflect on and discuss their varied experiences in a safe environment.
Didactic Training
Regularly scheduled weekly didactic seminars, formerly held at the consortium level, are now organized, and administered regionally for all KP NorCal postdoctoral residents. Residents are required to attend a two-hour weekly virtual seminar, which focuses on developing competencies and expertise in clinical areas most relevant to their day-to-day work.
Our Regional Mental Health Training Program also sponsors seminars for continuing professional development. The seminars are offered at select times during the year for all KP mental health trainees and staff at Kaiser Northern California Medical Centers. We bring in local and national experts on a variety of cutting-edge topics in mental health treatment and research. Residents are required to attend these monthly seminars. Regional seminar dates and a list of speakers and topics can be found on the Regional Mental Health Training Programs website. In addition, many of the presentations are recorded and available under the continuing education lecture library webpage.
Seminars and Meetings
Residents rotate attendance between the Child and Adult Team staff meetings each month and will attend a department-wide meeting each quarter.
Residents also attend group supervision to present cases to their postdoctoral peers and to learn how to incorporate Feedback Informed Care (FIC) in their practice. Residents gain experience giving and receiving feedback which helps them to develop the collegial and supervisory aspects of their professional identities as psychologists.
Residents participate in an Office Hours meeting led by the local training director which focuses on helping them to acculturate to the Kaiser Permanente organization. Topics include administrative issues and professional development, as well as general support.
All postdoctoral residents are supervised by licensed psychologists and are assigned to an adult team supervisor and a child team supervisor. The clinical supervisors meet with their assigned resident one hour per week for individual face-to-face supervision. Thus, each resident has two hours of individual supervision per week.
The adult and child team supervisors are responsible for overseeing the direct delivery of clinical services. They work together in developing the resident’s learning plan, monitoring their progress, and evaluating their training schedule. They are also responsible for completing the resident’s evaluation after gathering input from other supervisors and staff who may have provided supplementary supervision during rotations or while co-facilitating groups with the resident.
Community Partnership Program
Reflecting Kaiser Permanente’s core commitment to mental health and wellness in our communities, each trainee will spend at least 32 hours during their training year on a Community Partnership Project that focuses on improving mental health in the local community beyond our Kaiser Permanente patient members. Projects may include presentations on mental health topics or career mentoring in such settings as schools/universities, faith communities, and other organizations dedicated to assisting those in need.
The goal of this project is to provide outreach to underserved populations to promote health and advancement. Anchors for this project include developing alliances with individuals and/or systems to improve the lives of those served; providing education and training based on the empirical literature; and presenting relevant outcomes data to partnership stakeholders. Residents will meet with the Community Partnership supervisor to assist with placement and developing a project.
Psychological Assessment
All postdoctoral residents complete psychological testing as part of their training program. During the training year, residents further their knowledge about test battery design, administration of various tests and measures, interpretation and integration of test results, and communication of test results. Opportunities exist for residents to develop proficiency in both child and adult assessments.
A minimum of two assessments a year are required but there are opportunities to conduct more as well as expand the complexity of the assessment battery based on the resident’s experience, interest, and clinical need. Residents primarily receive assessment supervision in group format with additional modalities for support available as needed. A 6-month rotation in ADHD screening for children is also available. This rotation consists of running a weekly ADHD assessment group and supporting the administrative needs of the service.
Program Evaluation
Each resident is required to undertake a program evaluation project during their training year. The project is selected based upon the resident’s interests and skill set and should fall within the regular scope of departmental services.
It may involve collecting and analyzing data to improve administrative operations, or a quality improvement project aimed at improving or assessing a treatment program or process. Examples include developing and evaluating a treatment group, intake procedure or other new programming; evaluating factors associated with treatment outcomes; or a needs assessment of a service that may be enriched by psychological consultation. Residents meet with the program evaluation supervisor as a group regularly over the course of the training year to review progress on their projects.
Tracks and Rotations
Adult Team Services
Postdoctoral residents on the Adult Team Services Track will work on a multi-disciplinary team of therapists, psychiatrists, nurses, and clinical pharmacists to treat patients, 18 years and older for a wide range of diagnoses and presenting problems. Residents will learn how to collaborate with patients for treatment planning purposes and gain proficiency utilizing evidence-based interventions within a feedback informed care framework. Adult Team Services will comprise 50% of the resident’s schedule for the full 12 months, with half of the clinical time dedicated to providing intake appointments and individual psychotherapy. Residents typically conduct 1-2 adult intake assessments and 6-8 return visits per week.
A group therapy rotation is mandatory for this track, but the specific groups can be selected based on interest, clinical need, and scheduling availability. Typically, a rotation through 2 different groups is expected, however residents may choose more if desired. Available group opportunities include DBT, Anxiety Management, Depression Management, the Intensive Outpatient Program and more.
Child Team Services
Postdoctoral residents on the Child Team Services Track will work on a multi-disciplinary team of therapists, psychiatrists, nurses, and clinical pharmacists to treat patients, 18 years and younger for a wide range of diagnosis and presenting problems. Residents will learn how to collaborate with patients and their families for treatment planning purposes and gain proficiency utilizing evidence-based interventions within a feedback informed care framework. Child Team Services will comprise 50% of the resident’s schedule for the full 12 months, with half of the clinical time dedicated to providing intake appointments and individual psychotherapy. Residents typically conduct 1-2 child/family intake assessments and 6-8 return visits per week.
A group therapy rotation is mandatory for this track, but the specific groups can be selected based on interest, clinical need, and scheduling availability. Typically, a rotation through two different groups is expected, however residents may choose more if desired. Available group opportunities include Child Worry, Mood Skills, Social Skills, the Intensive Outpatient Program, and more.
- Direct Patient Care: 20
- Individual Supervision: 2 hours
- Group Supervision: 2 hours
- Assessment Supervision: 1 hour
- Didactic Training: 2 hours
- Program Evaluation: 1 hour
- Supervision of Practicum Students: 1 hour
- Community Benefit Project: 1 hour
- Team Meeting: 1 hour
- Case Consultation: 1 hour
- Non-Patient Care: 8 hours